Red Skelton kept audiences laughing for many years with his many characters and rolls on The Red Skelton Radio Show. Red’s radio career actually began in the 1930s, but he is most remembered for his shows after he finished his service in the army.
Here several The Red Skelton Show episodes that you can enjoy listening to right know. You can find a link to download the entire The Red Skelton Show collection below the playlist.
Red Skelton Biography
Red Skelton’s radio career started on Rudy Vallee’s Royal Gelatin Hour before joining NBC’s 1939 variety series Avalon Time. Broadcast from Chicago, Avalon Time featured country singer Red Foley and Red Skelton’s wife and gag writer, Edna Stillwell.
Red Skelton was drafted into the Army in March 1944, but returned to NBC in December of 1945, with the same sponsor and timeslot. The Red Skelton Show ran on radio until May 1953. Red Skelton starred in his own television program from 1951 to 1971.
Source: redskelton.com/radio
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Attributions: Many thanks to the radio researchers groups and old time radio lovers everywhere for their work in preserving this valuable history.